Monday, July 5, 2010

Let's talk about vitamins...

...because I need to remind myself of their importance! I have gotten very, very lazy about my vitamins. I do manage to take a multi-vitamin 2x a day when I take my depression medication, but I have a very hard time getting the rest in. Maybe I don't need the additional ones?? On a good vitamin day I should take the following...

1. Centrum Chewables 2x

2. Citracal 250 iu each 2x-4x

3. Iron 325 mg 2x day w/stool softener (sexy...)

4. Vitamin A 8000 iu 1x

5. Vitamin D 1000 iu 1x

6. Daily Depression med. 2x

I even bought myself this fancy old person pill box at the 99 cent store! Problem is ideally I have to take them all throughout the day in order to reap the full absorbtion. I can't take iron with calcuim. I don't want to take the addional A or D or iron or calcuim with the multi because I doubt I can absorb it all at once. I really need to be better with this to avoid the vitamin deficencies. Thus bringing me to my other deliema...

Labs. My 1 year labs are due this week. My doctor has been sending me hate mail reminding me to go. Ok, not hate mail. It's nice to have a doctor/insurance carrier that is as proactive as Kaiser is. But our insurance benefits changed at the beginning of the year and I have a $300 deductible and a 10% copay. Kaiser orders 15+ labs at the 1 year check-up and I cannot afford it. I applied for the member assistance program and was denied because they thought I made too much money. I can't afford the labs that I really need to have. If my levels are good then I don't need to worry about taking the extra vitamins/supplements but if they are not, then I need to get them up so I don't do some serious damage to my body. It sucks having to pay for healthcare. Last year when I had my surgery, I had FANTASTIC coverage. I didn't have a deductible or lab copays. I paid $250 dollars for my hospital stay and surgery! I was super lucky! This year it would have cost me $1000+ and I wouldn't have been able to afford it. My hubby's work changed the policy and I had no choice in the matter. Don't get me wrong. I am very thankful to have affordable health insurance, but in times like this, I really wish it was better. I'll figure it out and come up with the money somehow, but it won't be this week. I need to go to Kaiser this week and ask how much it will be. Maybe by some miracle I was wrong about my benefits and it won't cost me as much as I am fearing. If not, at least I will know how much I need. Hope you all had a nice holiday weekend! My hubby, kids, and I went to Balboa Island/Beach today and walked 3.5 miles. I bribed my oldest with a dried starfish and he didn't whine the entire time. He ended up with a shark tooth necklace but whatever works right? My 2 year old feel asleep for the last mile...

Back to real life tomorrow! Take care!

1 comment:

  1. OH girl I am soooooo lazy about my vits! I am bad! I enjoy reading your blog, thanks for checking mine out as well :) Hit me up on Facebook if you are on (Libby Korytko MacDougall)
